Monday, 8 November 2010

Eassy Space

Ba Hons CGAA/ Year 1
Unit 2

How this films make space. And good use of it I will break down how we see space in film and how the special effects helps this.


  1. Interim Online Review 09/11/10

    Hey Roy,

    Firstly, let me congratulate you on getting up to speed - and not getting panicked by feedback etc. You're obviously feeling more in control and much less anxious, and that can only be a good thing. That said, your reviews still struggle for coherence - and this isn't a thinking issue, it's a writing/spelling issue; not sure what we can do about this, apart from suggest that you work closely with Alison to ensure your reviews and blog entries are as free from typos/spelling errors as possible. Is Alison following your blog? It would be good if she was and she has followed student blogs in the past.

    Okay - regarding your essay - yes, Metropolis is a good subject, simply because so much has been written about it. It is an example of German Expressionism, and it's been highly influential - my understanding is that the game Bioshock owes much to the film's production design. Your major challenge will be to identify your structure. At the end of this IOR post, I'll give lots of info and links to assignment advice; you want to make sure that Alison has access to this information too, so that she can break it down for you where necessary.

  2. So - your three spaces; well, it's clear that you're getting stuck in - but a word of caution, Roy. While the images you're working on at the moment certainly have their strengths - and represent a clear improvement in terms of Photoshop and digital painting - I encourage you to develop alternative visions of these spaces too. One of the things a tutor is most interested in is a student's process, that's why those 100 thumbnails are important; those thumbnails are where you find the best possible way of showing your space, so don't just settle on one just because you've worked hard on it. Ask yourself this - is it the the most 'dynamic' composition possible? What haven't you tried or explored?

    Our recent conversation re. your 'visual concept' was fruitful - a kind of clean eco-future for the Eloi, and a dirty, heavy-industry world for the Morlocks. I expect to see influence maps for both types of world, Roy - I want to see what you've been looking at and why in the search for inspiration.
