Monday, 7 February 2011

Unit 4 The Cutting Edge

The Cutting Edge:
Rope, Dir.Alfred Hitchcock,

Alfred Hitchcock for me is one of the best directors of all time. One of my all-time favourite is “The birds”. Which Alfred Hitchcock also directed.
The film about to dissect is called “Rope”.
In the beginning seen of the film you get a view of a downtown apartment block. You hear a man screen and get to witness the aftermath of a murder. And then a close-up shot of the rope. Hence the name of the film “Rope”. Once this happens you are gripped by a urge to find out what as happens and why is it happened. When the camera zooms out of the shot from the rope you find our first two characters/actors. The main actor/character is 
John Dall AKA Wyndham Brandon

The second character/actor is
Farley Granger AKA  "Philip Morgan"
With this character/actor in the beginning of the film you begin to see this actor breakdown in the way of being nervous and on edge and  "Brandon's" always correcting him to stay calm and collective.
which are also lovers in the film which is'nt obviouse in the film with actor.Brandon
you find out straightaway that he is the brains of the operation/murder with the actors boldness and ruthlessness

The film rope has a begining which is the murder the second sceneis the arrival of the guests including 
"James Stewart" AKA "Rupert Cadell".
this character/actor appears in the middle of the film. "James Stewart" 
at the end of the film he finally figures them out. At the end of the film he confronts to actors "Brandon" and "Morgan" and dissects them in a "Colombo" Kind of way breaking them down individuallyto one of them confesses to the murder.
The set of the film is an apartment with a big window at the back of the scene. with a fixed camera. here is not a lot of cut scenes in this film actually there is none. This is due to Alfred Hitchcock' editing there is one continuous camera shot. This gives an intense feeling of focus and awareness.


Hitchcock's 'one take' classic gets better with age.
Mountain Xpress (Asheville, NC).(00:23) (08/02/2011).
Rope remains worth seeing, for its difference from cinema in general and from the rest of Hitchcock's work in particula
Edinburgh U Film Society (00:25) (08/02/2011).
a deeply interesting film if not exactly a successful one ... you can feel it straining to articulate a truth it doesn't quite grasp.
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (00:28) (08/02/2011).

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